Demetri Papcostas Demetri Papacostas (Doctoral Studies in Finance, NYU Leonard Stern School of Business (1988); MBA, Pace University Lubin School of Business (1982); BA, Economics & Computer Science, NYU (1980)) has been at Bloomberg for 11 years where, among other responsibilities, he runs the market specialist group across all asset classes for the Americas. He previously worked for major financial institutions, primarily at JP Morgan Chase, heading the FX Derivative Structuring Group and the FX Sales Group. At other financial institutions, he ran FX Options and Precious Metal Option trading desks, FX Structuring and FX Sales. Demetri teaches a “Futures & Options” course at City University's Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership to both graduate and undergraduate students and recently published the definitive book on FX, FX Options and the fascinating ways individuals engage with the market with co-author Francesco Tonin: Foreign Exchange Options and Risk Management: Market Dynamics, Models and Human Behaviour (available online).