Philo4Thought Inc.
Hellenic Mentoring Initiative
Over 500,000 served!
Est. 2009

COVID-19 Resource Center

covid girl

Updated December 21, 2021

Table of Contents


Struggling with side effects of COVID? The following material is available to guide you to reliable resources!

We hope the material provided in our COVID Resource Center. will provide you with the knowledge you need to keep yourself, your team and your loved ones safe and healthy.

The global COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect various regions at the local, national and global levels. Substantial progress has been made towards vaccines and therapeutics over the past year.

We will continue to keep you posted with updated links and details.


(Updated January 2022)
  • OFFICIAL DECLARATION FROM CDC: Isolation and quarantine protocols are currently as follows (for New York and surrounding regions): 
      • ISOLATION: All individuals who test positive for COVID-19 can end their isolation after 5 days if they are asymptomatic. Day 0 is considered the first day of symptom onset and/or the day of a positive test result.
      • QUARANTINE: Individuals who are fully vaccinated and have received booster dose, do not need to quarantine. Such individuals are recommended to get tested on day 5-7 after last exposure. Individuals who are not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated or are eligible for a booster but have not yet received one should quarantine for 5 days – where day 0 is the last day of exposure – provided symptoms do not appear. Such individuals are recommended to get tested on day 5-7. 
      • Full details can be found on the New York State Department of Health Website.


  • VACCINES: With vaccines and boosters readily available, the push to examine the development of COVID variants as well as the development of therapeutics to combat the side effects of COVID continue to be at the forefront of scientific research and discussions. The possible development of preventative oral medication to combat the virus is also being discussed in select research groups.
  • YOUR SAFETY FIRST: Before scheduling your vaccination please consult your regular physician to ensure that you are not prone to undue side effects. 
  • PROOF OF VACCINATION: Please expect to be asked (at school, work, restaurants, etc.) for proof of vaccination before entering buildings. New York and New Jersey have created apps to track your COVID-19 record. Other states are also developing apps for their areas. Please check your state for available APP is available. The CDC has also set up a V-Safe program for children and teens who have taken the vaccine. 
  • RETURN TO WORK/SCHOOL: Most organizations are reopen with safe spacing protocols in place. Some institutions are starting to assess the possibility of additional restrictions due to the manifestation of the OMICRON variant. In New York, Governor Kathy Hochul has required the return to mask-wearing in public buildings and  transportation. At several colleges and universities, non-academic on-/off-campus gatherings are being postponed till the end of January, at which time the campus policies will be reviewed. Be sure to inquire about policies at your specific campus before planning any events. A few specifics about policies at most colleges/universities in NYC and the surrounding areas:
    • All are STRONGLY URGED to wear masks indoors in all public settings as well as in crowded settings when outdoors.
    • Athletic events will resume, but no fans are permitted. This policy will be reviewed at the end of January 2022.
    • All affiliates are strongly urged to avoid indoor social gatherings wherever they are located, unless aware of vaccination and testing status of all attendees.  Masking in these locations is also strongly recommended as well as in crowded outdoor social gatherings.
    • In all campus dining halls, only grab-and-go food will be available.  Masking indoors is scheduled to continue through the end of March 2022.
  • TRAVEL PROTOCOLS: For those traveling, proof of vaccination is currently required before a flight, extended bus ride, etc. Masks are to be worn throughout the trip. The CDC has made recommendations for unvaccinated children and family members. 
  • ADDITIONAL UPDATES are provided in the sections below.


Leading News: OMICRON Variant


Testing & Vaccination Updates

Available (Non-Medical) Therapeutics

Medical Advisory Resources


Community Empowerment
  • Philo4Thought and its Strategic Partners will continue making advisory resources available to the public. Check out our Lifestyle Page and other available resources. We also invite you to tune in to our upcoming Young Professional Empowerment events.
  • The NYC Mayor’s Office texting chain will continue to provide direct updates about (1) available services, (2) resources, and (3) street closings; text “COVID” to 692692 to join the messaging group.
  • Free Online COVID Awareness Course: Our friends at Columbia University are offering a free online course with the latest updates on COVID research, prevention and progress (for the vaccine). To register, click here.
Additional Community Resources


For Students
  • Is it safe to be on campus? We recommend that you exercise the general safety protocols in place for your state and your school or workplace. Additionally, we ask that you consult with your physician and use your best judgement about how safe it is for you to return to a face-to-face classroom setting. Many schools have made an abundance of online courses available along with extensive safety protocols for those who are able and willing to make the safe return to campus.    
  • When will we go back to normal? With the discovery of the new variant, it is still difficult to say when things will return to the way they were prior to COVID. Having said this, it’s important to seek out a new norm and to stay positive about the future. Connecting with friends is important even during this time of safe-spacing.

For students and new graduates who are feeling a heavy impact due to ongoing restrictions and stressors, we recommend the following resources: 

  • Check your campus email for updates on policies and procedures for safe return to campus. Most campuses are currently requiring verification of vaccination. Some are also offering one or more of the following:
    • On-Campus vaccination (though it’s STRONGLY advised to check with your physician before scheduling anything on campus).
    • Counseling services to cope with a variety of anxiety issues related to the return to campus.
    • Training for current and upcoming safety protocols.
    • The continuation of online and hybrid courses for those who are not yet comfortable returning to campus.
    • Resumed internship initiatives.
  • Options for online and hybrid courses. While the traditional face-to-face courses allow us to feel more connected to our campus community, the value of taking courses either fully or partially online allows more students to connect with campus resources from the safety of home.
  • When home is not safe. For those who do not have a safe place to live and work due to domestic violence, we ask that you please find safety and support at the National Domestic Violence Support Center, where housing and specialized resources can be made available to you.
  • Access to professional and academic guidance. Philo4Thought’s Empower Today Seminar series, featuring talks by a number of global and regional experts, are designed to help you reach your goals. our 2021 Seminars are all available on our YouTube Channel.
For Teachers

Dissatisfied with the NYC Chancellor’s failure to address concerns from K-12 Public School Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents?

Click Here to take action and mobilize.

(Select “PUBLIC SAFETY” as the subject line to your complaint.)


Guidelines for your safety in the workplace — knowing your rights
  • Consult your company’s Preliminary Safe Space Training & Policy. It’s essential to know your rights as employees.
  • If your work can be completed remotely, opt to work from home either fully or partially to avoid undue exposure on the commute to work.
  • If you are required to be on site, your employer is required to provide proper training to all essential personnel and also to provide sanitizer, soap and disinfectants as well as back-up protective covering in case your reusable mask is compromised while at work.
  • If your office space was not properly retrofitted and disinfected in compliance with COVID-19 Safety Standards, speak with your supervisor about (1) working safely from home, (2) modified space usage, (3) staggered work schedule and other viable options for maintaining safe social distancing protocols.
  • If you feel uncomfortable with the lack of provisions for your return to work, notify your supervisor. If he/she ignores your inquiry, notify Human Resources.
  • Need an attorney to mediate? Pardalis & Nohavicka have been very proactive in addressing cases related to COVID-19 workplace issues.


Stay Home! 
  • Avoiding Unnecessary Travel: While travel is currently permitted for those who are vaccinated, many professionals still recommend that unnecessary travel be avoided in order to reduce undue exposure to the virus and its variants. 
  • Traveling Safely: Those who must travel should research their destination to for warnings, etc. and be prepared to wear masks and follow the safety guidelines outlined by the CDC (or, for international travel, the regulations outlined by the regional government).
Travel Advisories
  1. CDC Recommendations: Where is is safe to travel? What regions are currently on lockdown?
  2. Airports, trains, buses and other forms of public transportation may require you to show proof of vaccination. Carry your vaccination card for any inter-state or international travel. 
  3. The CDC has made recommendations for unvaccinated children and family members.
  4. Masks are still recommended based on the fact that new strains of the virus are still circulating. If you’re planning to travel, be safe and cautious. 
Tips for Safe Shopping
  1. Avoid public transportation and cramped spaces.
  2. Carry antibacterial wipes or sanitizer.
  3. Avoid touching your face
  4. Wear a mask at all times.
  5. Upon returning home, spray jackets/shoes/bags with antibacterial spray (or place directly into the laundry.
  6. If you’re infected, stay home and quarantined.
  7. Read “Guidelines for Daily & Local Travel” below.
  8. Here’s a great video about safe shopping during the COVID-19 crisis:
Guidelines For Domestic & International Travel
Guidelines For Daily & Local Travel
  • Many employers and medical practices are still recommending that people refrain from taking ANY public transportation due to the close proximity it forces upon passengers.
  • NYC MTA is beginning to take some measures to protect passengers from one another or to maintain adequate standards of cleanliness on its subways and buses. It is still unclear whether these are sufficient measures to prevent the spread of COVID on subways, buses, trains, etc. Please continue to exercise caution. 
Businesses & Public Facilities
  • While many offices, clubs and shops are gradually reopening, it us recommended that you pay close attention to restrictions and capacity limits. 

  • Restaurants have reopened with outdoor dining options, however it is important to be logical and note whether there is safe space between you, oncoming traffic and pedestrians who are passing in the space designated for your dining area. 

  • Shows and conference normally operating with live studio audiences are still functioning with restrictions and, many cases, partial staff. 

  • It is best to contact the place you’d like to visit prior to going there with friends and family to avoid unsafe overcrowding.

Attending Religious Services
  • Many places of worship have officially reopened at limited capacity. For those stressed about attending church services, we recommend you please join the congregation online: Online Sunday Liturgy.


Stay Fit & Strong!

Keep taking your daily supplements and maintain a balanced diet with proper vitamins/nutrients. Those struggling with chronic illness should be vigilant about proper medication and diet. Smokers and vape units are recommended to refrain (click here). To help maintain a daily lifestyle and fitness routine, we recommend that you visit Staying Fit at Home During the COVID-19 Crisis. Again, avoid unnecessary travel when possible.

Don’t Panic!
  • Students and employees stressed about policies for medical leave at your school/workplace should download and submit the formal letter from the NYC Department of Health.

  • Remember that most of the standardized safety regulations are common sense. Please review “Symptoms & Prevention” for additional details.


Incubation Period
  • The average incubation period is 2-14 days.
  • Symptoms may manifest either during that period or for several weeks after.
  • Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines for contraction & transmission of this respiratory virus.
  • People are thought to be most contagious when they are most symptomatic.
  • Person-to-person spread between people in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, which can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby, possibly inhaled into the lungs.
  • Spread from contact with infected surfaces or objects that have the virus on it, then touching mouth, nose, or eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
  • Some spread might be possible before people show symptoms, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.
Common Symptoms

Per the CDC guidelines, flu-like symptoms manifest within 2-14 days following exposure to the virus, including:

Who Is At Risk?

Those primarily at risk should be tested immediately, including:

  • Anyone struggling with chronic illness.
  • Anyone who is knowingly in contact with someone infected with COVID-19
  • Anyone requiring hospitalization for one or more of the aforementioned symptoms.
  • If one of these describes you, immediately contact your doctor for FREE Testing!
Prevention & Treatment
  • CDC guidelines for preventative NPI (Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions) in the absence of a reliable vaccine.
  • Run a daily self-check for fever and other symptoms.
  • Cover your face with a proper mask, covering BOTH your nose and mouth
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  • Maintain proper physical distancing (6 feet apart on all sides)
  • Wash hands frequently.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with regular cleaning spray/wipes.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially: after going to the bathroom; before eating; after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; if hands are visibly dirty.

  • If you’re using hand sanitizer, make sure that it is an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Also, check the list of sanitizers that was recently recalled by the FDA.
  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Avoid public transportation, cramped spaces and places where proper disinfection of the space is questionable.
  • If you are sick, stay home and notify your healthcare provider.
  • NOTE: Masks with small plastic parts or gaps are not appropriate face covers against COVID-19.
  • For those returning to work, it is recommended you carry one mask for your work space and another for outside.
  • Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) List of Reliable Disinfectants CDC’s Recommended Homemade Disinfectant
Official Recommendations For Face Masks
  • Wear a face mask at all times. Regardless of whether or not you have contracted the virus, it is important to cover your nose and mouth while in any public places (indoors or outdoors).
  • Face Shields do not replace masks. COVID 19 is a respiratory virus. It is transmitted through the inhalation of respiratory droplets.
  • For those returning to work, it is only safe to remove your mask (for any reason) if you are in alone in a private office or space with the door closed.
  • If you work in a crowded cubicle space you should ask your employer for the office policies for safe space and free protective masks/face coverings.
  • ALL PEOPLE should wear masks (even if they are not showing symptoms) as they are possible carriers of the virus and can infect those who are vulnerable to contracting the virus.
  • CDC’s Official Guidelines for Wearing Face Coverings.