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Philo4Thought Inc.
Hellenic Mentoring Initiative
Over 500,000 served!
Est. 2009

Assessment Exams & Evaluations

Discover reliable & affordable options to suit your life…




It’s SO critical for emerging young professionals to make use of the free and low-cost resources available to you, but it’s equally important to complete a reliable evaluation. So… 

(A) Before signing up with us check to see whether your school is waiving fees during COVID to help new graduates and Alum get back on their feet and take their standard SII Assessment.

  • If your school offers the testing AND consultation to review your results for free, then you’re all set.
  • If your school offers testing and consultation in exchange for fees, ask which test they are offering and contact us for help to determine whether it’s worth the fee.

(B) If your school is not offering the test for free, we are happy to walk you through it!

  • A full battery of Behavioral and Cognitive exams (DiSC, ENNEAGRAM, CLIFTON/VIA) is available for free on Cloverleaf Inc. You can complete ALL these exams for free or subscribe to their monthly $10 coaching. There is a small standard fee of $15-$20 to download your examination scores or you can PDF the summary of your scores as they appear on the dashboard.
  • A reliable version of the Enneagram test is available for $20 through The Enneagram Institute.
  • A shorter FREE version of the Enneagram Assessment Quiz is also available to help you discover your Personal & Professional Personality.
  • A reliable version of the DiSC test for $72 through Everything Disc Workplace with additional options offered by Roos Advisors (see pricing options below). 
  • BONUS! Young Professionals, discover your LEADERSHIP Strengths & Style with a FREE “HIGH 5” Assessment Quiz! 

(C) If you have taken one of the above but want a reliable review and assessment:

  • Philo4Thought offers a standard 30-Minute Review: FREE for Passport Members and $40 for non-members.
  • Philo4Thought offers a standard 60-Minute Review: $40 for Passport Members and $75 for non-members.

(D) Not ready to pay for an assessment?

  • Very basic versions of both DiSC and Enneagram are available online but may not provide the comprehensive and reliable assessment of the resources recommended.
  • You’re welcome to contact us for help with the review at the rates listed above for the 30-/60-minute sessions with a seasoned career services advisor.


Our colleagues at Roos Advisors have agreed to offer our HYP and YAH professionals significant discounts on their going rates for DiSC Agile EQ Assessment:

DiSC Agile EQ Work Style Assessment PLUS a 60-Minute Evaluation:

  • Standard  Rate $450
  • Rate for P4T Young Pro Passport Members $300.00
  • Rate for P4T Passport Students $125.00

DiSC for Leaders/Managers/Sales Assessment PLUS a 60-Minute Evaluation:

  • Standard  Rate $525
  • Rate for P4T Young Pro Passport Members $350

3-Hour Premiere Team Agile EQ Work Style Workshop (For Groups):

  • Standard  Rate (per person) $350
  • Rate for P4T Young Pro Passport Members (per person) $250
  • Rate for P4T Passport Students (per person) $100

3-Hour Premiere Team DiSC for Leaders/Managers Workshop (For Groups):

  • Standard  Rate (per person) $575
  • Rate for P4T Young Pro Passport Members (per person) $300