Philo4Thought Inc.
Hellenic Mentoring Initiative
Over 500,000 served!
Est. 2009


Annual Holiday Brunch


Dear Viewers & Readers,

‘Tis the season for our annual Holiday Brunch! 

The team at Philo4Thought invites you to join us for our annual holiday celebration in the lovely garden room at Yefsi Estiatorio in NYC!

In addition to spreading a bit of holiday cheer over Chef Christos’ signature “Bottomless Brunch” we will be honoring Dr. Maria Papadaki for her philanthropic and professional work.


ITINERARY: The full event itinerary is available. Please click here.

DATE/TIME: Saturday, Dec. 27th 12pm EST

REGISTRATION: Seating is limited. Online registration required. 

COST: $50 Regular Registration; $40 Student Registration (Late Registration = $10 Additional per ticket).


  • Complete Event Description:
  • Direct Registration Link (Eventbrite):
  • Alternate Payment Link (Venmo):

PROCEEDS: Event proceeds go towards Philo4Thought’s annual scholarship for financially underprivileged students.

Καλά Χριστούγεννα!

As always, Philo4Thought will continue to offer low-cost workshops, free advisory podcasts and seasonal publications.
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